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New posts in kinect

How to detect the line of sight of a person using kinect?

c# kinect kinect-sdk

Custom mouse cursor size in WPF

c# .net wpf kinect mouse-cursor

How to get real world coordinates (x, y, z) from a distinct object using a Kinect

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Facial Recognition with Kinect

how to effeciently convert ROS PointCloud2 to pcl point cloud and visualize it in python

python kinect ros point-clouds

How can I access the Kinect using Java?

java macos kinect processing

Comparing a saved movement with other movement with Kinect

kinect physics gesture

3d model construction using multiple images from multiple points (kinect)

Can't set frame width and height with [OpenCV] cv2.VideoCapture.set()

Kinect for Windows (v1) with SDK 2.0

kinect kinect-sdk

When using Kinect for Windows SDK can you use a simulator for the Kinect or must you use the hardware?


Can I use the Kinect API on a virtual machine?

kinect virtual-machine

How to align kinect's depth image with color image

c# kinect

How do I implement a wave gesture in kinect?

Convert 16-bit-depth CvMat* to 8-bit-depth

c++ opencv input kinect depth

Sending keyboard events to another application in C# that does not handle Windows events

How to align RGB and Depth image of Kinect in OpenCV?

Is Kinect SDK 2 compatible with Xbox 360 Kinect?

kinect kinect-sdk

Vectorizing the Kinect real-world coordinate processing algorithm for speed

How to get Zoom value in scroll viewer in C# wpf Kinect SDK 2.0?