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New posts in kinect

Threading with the Kinect

Measuring in Kinect

c# 3d kinect 3d-modelling

Kinect intrinsic parameters from field of view

Kinect for Windows v2 depth to color image misalignment

c++ opencv kinect kinect-sdk

How to detect gestures in OpenKinect (with python wrappers)

python opencv kinect openni

Otsu thresholding for depth image

Requirements for Kinect programming


Extract projective homography from two Kinect depth maps

OpenNI UserTracker.java sample crashes

java kinect openni

Microsoft Kinect SDK depth data to real world coordinates


Any way of getting Kinect V2 tracking data with javascript?

Implicitly convertible to 'System.IDisposable' error

c# kinect

Looking for a Kinect tutorial [closed]

c# kinect

Kinect SDK: align depth and color frames

Fastest Speech recognition library C++ [closed]

What is the difference between OpenNI and OpenKinect?


Remove Kinect depth shadow

Matching Kinect Audio with Video

c# kinect

Kinect pattern recognition [closed]

Using System.Speech with Kinect