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New posts in projective-geometry

How can I transform an image using matrices R and T (extrinsic parameters matrices) in opencv?

Different fundamental matrix from the same projection matrices

Multiple-View Geometry

How is the reprojection error calculated in Matlab's triangulate function? Sadly, the documentation gives no mathematical formula

Need help for proper rectilinear projection of equirectangular panoramic image

Computing a matrix which transforms a quadrangle to another quadrangle in 2D

How can I project an arbitrary plane identified by 4 points onto a 2d plane?

back-projecting a 2D point to 3D Plucker line

Describing nonlinear transformation between two images, using homography

Howto project a planar polygon on a plane in 3d-space

Is there an algorithm for solving such projection reconstruction geometric problem?

Extract projective homography from two Kinect depth maps

Warping an image using control points

What is the difference between the fundamental, essential and homography matrices?

proportions of a perspective-deformed rectangle