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New posts in kinect

Capture RGB from Kinnect with Openni and show with OpenCV

Kinect for Windows gesture recognition

Microsoft Speech Recognition - what reference do I have to add?

How to map kinect skeleton data to a model?

kinect skinning openni

Problems when compiling the Open Kinect drivers for Python on Windows

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Calculate BPM from Kinect sensor data

Is it possible to run Kinect V2 inside a Docker container?

c# windows docker wix kinect

Size of BoundingBox/ROI to track object keeps on increasing despite fixed initial size

How to track eyes using Kinect SDK?

Pause Kinect Camera - Possible error in SDK reguarding event handler

c# wpf kinect

Kinect Depth and Image Frames Alignment

c# kinect color-depth

How to setup OpenNI 2.0 with OpenCV for a Kinect project?

opencv kinect openni

How to track ONE person with Kinect (trackingID)

Background removal using Kinect: noise suppression around body shape

image-processing kinect

Kinect and Opencv, the depth image, how to use it

c++ visual-c++ opencv kinect

OpenCV (C++): how to save a 16bit image?

c++ opencv kinect

Convert Kinect ColorImageFrame to Bitmap

c# .net xna kinect aforge

How to take kinect video image and depth image with openCV c++?

c++ opencv kinect

Working with depth data - Kinect

c# kinect

To calculate world coordinates from screen coordinates with OpenCV