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New posts in key-value

reverse lookup in a map

map clojure key-value

Java On-Memory Efficient Key-Value Store

java hashmap key-value b-tree

Best way to store a list of java objects in Redis

java redis key-value jedis

Android persistence alternative to SQLite

reading value in CFDictionary with swift

Swift - Create data model from JSON response

json swift key-value

Retrieve all data from LocalStorage (without knowing the key name)

Assign multiple keys to same value in array

php arrays key key-value

in javascript, is there an easy way to sort key-value pairs by the value, and return the key?

Low-latency Key-Value Store for SSD

Replacing key/value in NSDictionary

What is the relationship between a Lisp "association list" and a key-value mapping like Java's Map?

Best C language key/value database around for massive amounts of entries

How to correctly use HashMap?

Mapper input Key-Value pair in Hadoop

hadoop mapreduce key-value

How to find the median value of NSNumbers in an NSArray?

How is it possible to build database index on top of key/value store?

What is the best VBA data type`key`=>`value` to save data same as PHP array

arrays list vba key-value

Python - can a dict have a value that is a list?

Is there a lightweight, embeddable, key/value database? (something like diet couchdb) [closed]