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New posts in kernel

Is it feasible to unit test kernel module code ?

c module mocking kernel

ionice 'idle' not having the expected effects

What does WARNING: [something] overlaps [something] in Windows Debugger mean?

Strip Linux kernel sources according to .config

Why is the NTOSKRNL.exe IMAGE_MACHINETYPE header field set to x86 on only certain editions of Windows 7 x64?

windows-7 kernel 64-bit

linux module compilng missed folder asm

linux module header kernel

How do I get the caller SID in kernel mode hook? (windows)

windows kernel hook driver

What size of Clyther overhead?

python kernel opencl

Are linux socket kernel buffers swapped to disk?

linux sockets kernel buffer

Why do we need to disable interrupt before WFI in ARM Linux cpu_idle

linux kernel interrupt

How to determine system value for _POSIX_PATH_MAX

How does the OS know disk address of an absent page?

Octave kernel for jupyter not working on windows 10

Linux Kernel: udelay() returns too early?

Are simple C file operation functions like getc, putc and seek available in the Linux kernel?

c linux kernel

Compiling program for old kernel

linux gcc kernel version glibc

EXPORT_SYMBOL in kernel module | undefined symbol during insmod

linux module kernel insmod

Sending a struct from kernel to userland via netlink

In Linux, physical memory pages belong to the kernel data segment are swappable or not?

What is the main difference between drivers and user applications?