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New posts in keep-alive

How to configure keep-alive timeout in playframework 2

What is the use of http non persistent connection mode

Keep session alive forever as stackoverflow

iPhone app running while screen locked

How does multithreading affect http keep-alive connection?

apache proxy to tomcat keep alive confusion

apache tomcat ajp keep-alive

Why does curl send a Proxy-Connection header, even though the RFC seems to discourage it?

HTTP: what are the relations between pipelining, keep-alive and Server Sent Events?

How to disable Keep-Alive per Directory

apache keep-alive

HTTP library for Ruby with HTTPS, SSL Client Certificate and Keep-Alive support?

ruby http https keep-alive

PHP, nodeJS and sessions

Advantage of using HAProxy AND Keepalived vs just Keepalived

UIWebView and keep-alive?

ios uiwebview keep-alive

Why does ThreadPoolExecutor reduce threads below corePoolSize after the keepAliveTime?

Pros and Cons of Keep-Alive from Web Server Side

gRPC connection: use keepAlive or idleTimeout?

grpc keep-alive grpc-java

How to send consecutive requests with HTTP keep-alive in node.js?

http node.js client keep-alive

TCP keep-alive gets involved after TCP zero-window and closes the connection erroneously

tcp wireshark keep-alive