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TCP keep-alive gets involved after TCP zero-window and closes the connection erroneously

We're seeing this pattern happen a lot between two RHEL 6 boxes that are transferring data via a TCP connection. The client issues a TCP Window Full, 0.2s later the client sends TCP Keep-Alives, to which the server responds with what look like correctly shaped responses. The client is unsatisfied by this however and continues sending TCP Keep-Alives until it finally closes the connection with an RST nearly 9s later.

This is despite the RHEL boxes having the default TCP Keep-Alive configuration:

net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 7200
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 9
net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 75

...which declares that this should only occur until 2hrs of silence. Am I reading my PCAP wrong (relevant packets available on request)?

Below is Wireshark screenshot of the pattern, with my own packet notes in the middle.

Wireshark screenshot

like image 945
Martin Cowie Avatar asked Nov 09 '15 22:11

Martin Cowie

People also ask

What happens when TCP window size is 0?

What Is a Zero Window? When a client (or server – but it is usually the client) advertises a zero value for its window size, this indicates that the TCP receive buffer is full and it cannot receive any more data.

How does TCP keep connection alive?

Introduction. TCP connections consist of two sockets, one on each end of the connection. When one side wants to terminate the connection, it sends an FIN packet which the other side acknowledges and both close their sockets. Until that happens, however, both sides will keep their socket open indefinitely.

What causes TCP zero window?

TCP Zero Window: When a TCP receiver's buffer begins to fill, it can reduce its receive window. If it fills, it can reduce the window to zero, which tells the TCP sender to stop sending.

What is TCP keep-alive in Wireshark?

In order to understand what TCP keepalive (which we will just call keepalive) does, you need do nothing more than read the name: keep TCP alive. This means that you will be able to check your connected socket (also known as TCP sockets), and determine whether the connection is still up and running or if it has broken.

1 Answers

Actually, these "keep-alive" packets are not used for TCP keep-alive! They are used for window size updates detection.

Wireshark treats them as keep-alive packets just because these packets look like keep-alive packet.

A TCP keep-alive packet is simply an ACK with the sequence number set to one less than the current sequence number for the connection.

(We assume that ip refers to host A, refers to host B.) In packet No.249511, A acks seq 24507484. In next packet(No.249512), B send seq 24507483(24507484-1).

enter image description here

Why there are so many "keep-alive" packets, what are they used for?

A sends data to B, and B replies zero-window size to tell A that he temporarily can't receive data anymore. In order to assure that A knows when B can receive data again, A send "keep-alive" packet to B again and again with persistence timer, B replies to A with his window size info (In our case, B's window size has always been zero).

And the normal TCP exponential backoff is used when calculating the persist timer. So we can see that A send its first "keep-alive" packet after 0.2s, send its second packet after 0.4s, the third is sent after 0.8, the fouth is sent after 1.6s...

This phenomenon is related to TCP flow control.

like image 105
cosven Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 07:10
