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New posts in jsonresult

Pass JSON Object To MVC Controller as an Argument

asp.net-mvc json jsonresult

Converting JsonResult into a different object in C#

c# json object jsonresult

Serializing EF4.1 Entities using JSON.Net

How can I return json on a partialview in MVC?

How to either return JSON or RedirectToAction?

Return Multiple Objects Using ASP.NET MVC'S JsonResult Class

Get Prettified JSON from MVC 3 JsonResult

c# json asp.net-mvc jsonresult

Multi-tenant application allow one user to access many tenant accounts?

Cannot implicitly convert Web.Http.Results.JsonResult to Web.Mvc.JsonResult

Asp.net MVC - Jquery $.ajax error callback is not returning responseJSON

jquery asp.net ajax jsonresult

ASP.Net MVC: how to create a JsonResult based on raw Json Data

calling @Html.Action for JsonResult changes my response type in parent template

How should I return 404 from a JsonResult Controller?

asp.net-mvc-5 jsonresult

How to read a property of an anonymous type?

JsonResult or Json: which to use?

ASP.NET MVC - Pass Json String to View using ViewData

Returning JSON from a JsonResult method in MVC controller

JsonResult return Json in ASP.NET CORE 2.1

Actionresult vs JSONresult