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Multiple filters using JQ

json filter jq

jq negative select elements of array

arrays json jq regex-negation

remove all values from JSON matching specific key

json bash recursion key jq

Can't store output of jq in variable

json bash jq

filter json via bash - case insensitive

bash jq amazon-elb

Get specific key value pairs with jq

json bash jq

" bash: jq: command not found" after adding jq execuable file to env variable (windows) [duplicate]

jq not replacing json value with parameter

Multiline File in to single JSON string

json bash jq

Parentheses in JQ for .key

json jq

JQ convert to number, convert to boolean when generating new json from shell variables

json jq

Create object from array of keys and values

arrays json object transpose jq

Merging two JSON objects with jq

json object merge jq

Make JQ transform an array of objects to a string

json jq

jq: Object cannot be csv-formatted, only array

json export-to-csv jq

Output semicolon-separated string

json bash export-to-csv jq

compare 2 json arrays and return the difference

json bash jq

How to prevent yq removing comments and empty lines?

comments jq yq

jq select attribute if any array element satisfies a condition

json select jq any