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jq select objects that have specific value in nested json bash

json bash jq

Aggregate the results of a jq query into a single array

json jq

Need help in reducing array of object into a single sum

shell jq

Parsing float value from string by jq

jq - How to concatenate an array in json

arrays json concatenation jq

Replacing values in JSON with JQ and regex

regex jq

Sort huge JSON file using bash or python

python json bash sorting jq

How to use httpie and jq within docker?

docker jq httpie

Invalid path expression near attempt to access element

Terminating jq processing when condition is met


Replace an attribute or key in JSON using jq or sed

bash sed command-line jq

jq get each value in array with parent

json jq

How can I debug a stdin error that jq is throwing at me?

debugging runtime-error jq

jq json filter and keep original structure

json select edit jq

Convert .txt to json using Shell scripting

json shell jq

How can i match fields with wildcards using jq?

json jq

remove keys that are present in sibling object and have a certain value

json bash jq

Having trouble searching and replacing in my JSON using jq

json jq

Processing JSON of arrays in array with jq

json jq

Merge Arrays of JSON

arrays json bash jq