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32Bit Native Code, JNA and a 64Bit JVM

java jvm 64-bit 32-bit jna

C callback with JNA makes JRE crash

java callback crash jvm jna

How to create multiple instances of the same library with JNA?

java libraries jna

difference between com.sun.jna and net.java.dev.jna?

java jna maven-central

JNA Catching Exceptions

java exception jna

How do I make a target library available to my Java app?

java jna

How to check if a file is readable?

Use ImageSearchDll.dll in Java ( from AutoIt ) edit: JNA

java dll import jna autoit

Java: Making a window click-through (including text/images)

How to obtain a new Pointer in Java?

java c pointers jna

How to tell Proguard to avoid obfuscating JNA library classes?

java proguard jna

How to move (or do anything with) the mouse

java winapi mouse jna

JNA UnsatisfiedLinkError, but jna.library.path is set


Setting up JNA in Android Studio

android jar android-ndk jna

How to map enum in JNA

java enums native jna

How to get the x and y of a program window in Java?

Unable to load JNA native support library Elasticsearch 6.x

How can i get a printer's make and model in Java?

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JNA library slower screenshot than robot class?

Passing a Java class into a void* parameter with JNA

java pointers jna