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What parts of the JLS justify being able to throw checked exceptions as if they were unchecked?

Final fields initialization order

java jls

Testing initialization safety of final fields

What does "qualified this" construct mean in java?

java jls

What is the difference (or relation) between JLS, JSR and JEP? [closed]

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Is it true that every inner class requires an enclosing instance?

java class jls

Return value of assignment operator in concurrent code

Java in operator

Is `1/0` a constant expression in Java? [duplicate]

why Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1 == Integer.MIN_VALUE?

Case sensitivity of Java class names

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Anonymous-Inner classes showing incorrect modifier

java final anonymous-class jls

Lambda expression and method overloading doubts

Is "public static final" redundant for a constant in a Java interface?

java interface static final jls

Why does Java bind variables at compile time?

java inheritance jls

How to create a class literal of a known type: Class<List<String>>

java generics jls

If you overwrite a field in a subclass of a class, the subclass has two fields with the same name(and different type)?

java subclassing jls

Order of execution of parameters guarantees in Java?

Why can't we access static content via uninitialized local variable?

Why no static methods in Interfaces, but static fields and inner classes OK? [pre-Java8] [duplicate]

java interface jls