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New posts in java-native-interface

What is the purpose of `external` keyword in Kotlin?

Event listener in Java without app having focus? (Global keypress detection)

Android JNI - Call AttachCurrentThread without DetachCurrentThread

Return a String array on a JNI method

How to generate JNI header file in Eclipse

Java byte array to ByteBuffer or ByteBuffer to byte array convertion "WITHOUT COPYING"

How to Find memory leaks from native code in android

Passing string from Java into JNI

How to remove native support from an Android Project in eclipse because eclipse is showing errors in jni?

Reproducing and resolving Android java.lang.unsatisfiedLinkError locally

What can cause a Java native function (in C) to segfault upon entry?

Pass, return and convert to vectors list of lists over JNI

Debugging C++ library with Android Studio

What is the 'correct' way to store a native pointer inside a Java object?

How to target multiple architectures using NDK?

What happens when I throw a C++ exception from a native Java method?

Invoking JNI functions in Android package name containing underscore

Can OpenCV for Android leverage the standard C++ Support to get native build support on Android Studio 2.2 for Windows?

jstring(JNI) to std::string(c++) with utf8 characters

when to use JNIEXPORT and JNICALL in Android NDK?