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New posts in java-native-interface

Java: InputStream too slow to read huge files

Sending int[]s between Java and C

Android NDK overflows dalvik JNI local reference table

Java native code string ending


JNI: Create HashMap

Prevent Java from loading library more than once

Filling the data in an Android bitmap as quickly as possible from C

Is the Java Native Interface (JNI) affected by C++ ABI compatibility issues?

How to build an shared library and call it in other ndk program

To use the JNI, or not to use the JNI (Android performance)

Sending a android.content.Context parameter to a function with JNI

Compress Videos using FFMPEG and JNI

Android - failure on loading library

Android studio ; jni.h not found

UnsatisfiedLinkError (Native method not found)

Is there a Java library of Unix functions?

Can't access AAssetManager in native code passed from Java in WallpaperService

How to add a system service to the Android Framework

What is "jobject thiz" in JNI and what is it used for?

Java JNI vs. Android NDK