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New posts in java-native-interface

Import existing c++ library (.a or .so file) ndk android

Define macro to log error with file and line in android

Write file to location other than SDcard using Android NDK?

Creating an android.graphics.Bitmap from C++

No JNI_OnLoad found skipping init > Application shutdown

JNI Attach/Detach thread memory management

Are native Java methods equivalent to static Java methods?

Returning jbyteArray from native c in Android

Calling System.loadLibrary twice for the same shared library

JNI FindClass format for subclasses?

Android ICS 4.0 NDK NewStringUTF is crashing down the App

Convert char* to jstring in JNI, when char* is passed using va_arg

My dll code works from an exe file, but fails to load from Java loadLibrary

Build FFmpeg for All Android architecture correctly

Getting Valid JNIEnv pointer

JNI : create an jobjectArray without knowing the size in advance

How to properly use NDK-Build in Android Studio 2.2 Preview 1

Kotlin replacement for javah

Developing JNI applications with Eclipse (Combined Java/C++)

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library XXX.so already loaded in another classloader