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New posts in java-native-interface

How to use javap

Simplest way to pass float[][] to C++ via JNI

How to convert jbyteArray to native char* in jni?

JNI error : Local reference table overflow 512 entries

How is Android permission enforced?

Which method eventually calls JNI_OnLoad

Extract and load DLL from JAR

Exception 0xC0000005 from JNI_CreateJavaVM (jvm.dll)

Java.library.path setting programmatically

Invoke Java from C++

Can I know the name of the class that calls a JNI C method?

FFmpeg sample code for creating a video file from still images JNI Android

How to play video using FFMPEG library in Android?

Rewriting Java native methods using ASM

Most Efficient way to send Image in YUV_420_888 from Android to JNI in OpenCV Mat

Check if a dll library is already loaded? (Java)

Sharing output streams through a JNI interface

How can I Java webstart multiple, dependent, native libraries?

Javah command for native methods gives Exception [closed]

Implement callback function in JNI using Interface