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New posts in java-native-interface

Loading DLL in Java - Eclipse - JNI

How to specify array of class in GetMethodID method signature parameter?

How to find which libraries does Java Desktop API require on Linux?

Facing an error "*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid next size (fast)"

Is there any way to pass a Java Array to C through JNI without making a copy of it?

Android (ART) crash with error JNI DETECTED ERROR IN APPLICATION: jarray is an invalid stack indirect reference table or invalid reference

Passing byte array from native code to the Java side

Use JNI to Create, Populate and Return a Java Class Instance

Using a java class from Delphi

How to automate Java bindings for Rust code?

Is the source code of native methods available?

Linking a dynamic library (libjvm.dylib) in Mac OS X (rpath issue)

If JNI DeleteGlobalRef() is called, does the corresponding java object get garbage collected?

What is a "hook" and how can I write one in Java? And how to communicate with kernel to know the keys pressed by the user/registering with OS

Java JNI : Memory allocation / partitioning

Class name from jclass in JNI


JNI thread model?

Could not find method externalNativeBuild() for arguments

JNI issue on Linux: cannot open shared object file

UnsatisfiedLinkError: The specified procedure could not be found