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New posts in java-native-interface

Is this error caused by a 64-bit library being accessed by a Java program running in a 32-bit JVM?

How do I get my .so libraries copied to the Android device?

Build Error with ndk jni for curl

How to view JNI local reference table?

Use a simple c++ class in Android NDK

How can we add animated/simple image as a top layer to video and export it as a single video in Android?

Who implements the OS interfacing in java?

How to unit testing JNI source?

Digitally signing a shared library on Android

libcurl CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE error on android

Java UncaughtExceptionHandler haven't got any exception using JNI

Debugging OpenJDK source-code with eclipse

Send JNI C stderr/stdout through log4j

Profiling JNI applications

Service loader does not locate service provider class, even though class is in same JAR file as META-INF/services

Android Camera takePicture is using Previews small buffer

Recursive attempt to load library - What does that mean in android?

Multiprocessing on Android

Is it possible to implement a Java Interface in C or C++ using JNI?

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