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whats are *.so.*.* libs

linux symlink libs

Migrate Eclipse app and libs to Android Studio

android eclipse libs

Gradle native libraries not found on device but present in apk

What's the difference between dexedLibs and libs?

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Python - what is the libs subfolder for?

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The import android.support.v13.app.FragmentActivity cannot be resolved

Multiple grails applications on Tomcat

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How to edit .jar file in Android Studio

Gradle EAR with transitive libs from other projects

Why my ffmpeg libs are so large? [closed]

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An objcopy equivalent for Windows? (Hack for clashing lib symbols)

c++ collision symbols libs

android mupdf libmupdf.so runtime error "No implementation found for native openFile"

Android Studio 1.0.1 add external libraries

android android-studio libs

How do I reference external jar files in a common directory (not libs) to build android project using ant?

android ant build jar libs

Adding Joda Time

Error:(27, 0) Project with path ':library' could not be found in project ':app'

What's the best way to format a phone number in Python?

How to add 'libs' folder in Android Studio?