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New posts in java-native-interface

UnsatisfiedLinkError Android

Android's CheckJNI: How to turn it off/on (on an emulator)? Documentation seems to be faulty

How to reconfigure eclipse to use a 64 bit JVM

Which Android devices support jni?

Dalvik is looking for .so file with '.0' extension - why?

Callback as parameter of C structure - Java wrapper generation

What is the idiomatic way for an SBT project to publish 2 artifacts?

Passing strings from java to c++ using JNI

Android Studio + NDK - Import Existing C++

Call C++ class methods or function from Java on android without recreating class/variable on every call

Adding A 3rd Party JNI Library to Nexus

Getting text data from C++ using JNI through std::ostream into Java

Must ReleaseStringUTFChars be called after GetStringUTFChars (when passing the char* to C function)?

undefined reference to `JNI_CreateJavaVM' windows

Creating a byte[][] in C++ and returning it to Java using JNI

JVM crashes with no frame specified, only "timer expired, abort"

Keeping java methods called from Android JNI

Does Android Studio support JNI debugging?

cast from jobject to jboolean loses precision

c++ java-native-interface

How to debug native jni c++ code in eclipse with java project