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New posts in java-7

When does TimSort complain about broken comparator?

java java-7 timsort

How can a project support Java 7 despite using Java 8 features

java maven java-8 java-7

Wildcards in Generics: "? super T" works while "? extends T" does not?

java generics java-7

JavaFX exe bundling for x86 windows systems

deployment x86 java-7 32-bit

Cobertura doesn't work with Java 7

Why can't I shutdown tomcat 7 embedded from maven plugin?

How do I programmatically perform feature detection in Java?

java java-8 java-7

java.lang.VerifyError: JVMVRFY012 stack shape inconsistent;

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Why is the catch parameter implicitly final?

java java-7

No support for Java 7 in Drools ("RuntimeDroolsException: value '1.7' is not a valid language level")

java drools java-7 rule-engine

Can we use jdk7 javac to compile code with java7 features into java6 bytecode

compatibility java java-7

How can AsynchronousFileChannel read large file?

io java-7 nio2

ParamConverterProvider method return type mismatch

Android Studio cannot use secure connection for update, complaining the use of Java 6

Try-with-resources in Java 7?

java-7 try-with-resources

How do I use directory globbing in JDK7

java java-7 glob java.nio.file

Are Project Coin's collection enhancements going to be in JDK8? [closed]

java java-7 jsr java-8

Creating distinct list from existing list in Java 7 and 8?

Error when using AspectJ AOP with Java 7

spring aspectj java-7

New features in JDK 1.6 and 1.7

java jdk1.6 java-7 java-6