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New posts in java-7

What's the implementation of hashCode in java Object? [duplicate]

java java-7 hashcode

On Java 7's equals() and deepEquals()

equality java-7 deepequals

ArrayList<> vs ArrayList<Integer>

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Why is Java 7 Files.walkFileTree throwing exception on encountering a tar file on remote drive

java java-7 tar nio2

Warning: File for type '[Insert class here]' created in the last round will not be subject to annotation processing

java java-7

java Fork/Join clarification about stack usage

Motivations and Demotivation for migrating applications to Java 7

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Exception coming out of close() in try-with-resource [duplicate]

java.nio.file: Where is the Path interface actually implemented?

java java-7 java.nio.file

Ambiguous method in Java 8, why? [duplicate]

Java 7 Date/Time API [closed]

java datetime java-7

Simplified Varargs Method Invocation in Java 7

java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: 'posix:permissions' not supported as initial attribute on Windows

Findbugs gives "Null pointer dereference of System.out", why?

java eclipse findbugs java-7

Interface method´s annotations are inherited in Java 7 but not in Java 8

Get files in a directory sorted by last modified? [duplicate]

java java-7

javafx 8 compatibility issues - FXML static fields

Why is the switch statement faster than if else for String in Java 7?

Access restriction on jdk1.7/jre/lib/rt.jar

jakarta-ee java java-7

Coldfusion 10 slower when using Java 1.7 compared to 1.6