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How to compile mavenized OSGi 4.3 bundle with OpenJDK 7?

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Downgrade Java 8 streams to Java 7 loops in Intellij IDEA

Ant 1.8.1 showing incorrect java version?

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Can't transparent and undecorated JFrame in JDK7 when enabling nimbus

is -Xmx a hard limit?

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Is there a default ExecutorService or am I doomed to create one and maintain it to get Future objetcs?

How to use java.nio.file package in android? [duplicate]

hashCode(): Objects.hash() And Base Class?

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Is it possible to get maven-jaxb-schemagen-plugin working with Java 7?

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Is CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty() better than a null check?

try-with-resources where to wrap stream with InputStreamReader?

java java-7

How to get CPU, RAM and Network-Usage of a Java7 App

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Java SE strong cryptography for Java 7? [closed]

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Java Web Start broken since JDK 1.7

Java 7 WatchService - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process

Access is denied while compiling Java on Windows

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Eclipse Updating the compiler compliance to 1.7

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(use -source 7 or higher to enable strings in switch) error;Netbeans 7.1.2

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Java - Use Class parameter in method parameter

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How to identify programmatically in Java which Unicode version supported?

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