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Java EE DAO / DTO (Data Transfer Object) Design Patterns

Need good design pattern for caching database query result set

java sql jakarta-ee

Get managed bean reference in another managed bean

jsf jakarta-ee jsf-2 managed

Spring @Async or EJB @Asynchronous for asynchronous service invocation ?

JNDI lookup not working with EJB 3.x

Where i can find valid values for the version attribute of the web-app element in web.xml?

How to generate artifacts from WSDL and XSD using gradle?

What does it mean for a web application to be "distributable?"

Tomcat 7.0 not getting start from Eclipse

java jakarta-ee tomcat7

Get the size of object

java jakarta-ee tomcat opencv

EntityBean, SessionBean, databean and accessbean

How to coordinate J2EE and Java EE database access?

How is the PUT request in this example using subresource is processed by JAX-RS run time?

jakarta-ee jersey jax-rs put

Compiled classes missing in WAR file

maven jakarta-ee

jax-rs ContextResolver<T> undestanding

jakarta-ee jax-rs resolver

Single page application with Java EE/Wildfly: server-side configuration

Making a Service Layer call from Presentation layer

java spring jakarta-ee soa esb

How to do dynamic URL Rewriting in J2EE

JPA validation strategy

"Persistence provider caller does not implement the EJB3 spec correctly." warning when deploying on JBoss 5.1.0.GA