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New posts in issue-tracking

Distributed issue tracker for git with usable Eclipse Mylyn support?

Closing a GitHub Issue while on a different branch

How can I integrate bitbucket.org's Issues with issue tracking in TortoiseHg?

How to simulate voting in GitHub's Issues 2.0 Tracker

github issue-tracking

How to backup issues list from Bitbucket?

bitbucket issue-tracking

Jira issue number in git commit message

Hosted bug tracking system with mercurial repositories (Summary of options & request for opinions)

What is the difference between enhancement and proposal in bitbucket

bitbucket issue-tracking

Reference an issue from a commit message in gitlab

Creating a branch from issue in GitLab

What's the difference between a bug tracking and an issue tracking system?

JIRA: Searching for all issues with a given link type

search jira issue-tracking jql

Where to report issues of OpenJDK when you're not a OpenJDK developer?

openjdk issue-tracking

How to mark an issue as resolved from the commit log?

How to create custom labels for issues on GitHub?

github issue-tracking

JIRA: to close or to resolve?

jira issue-tracking

Closing multiple issues in Github with a commit message

github issue-tracking

How to completely remove an issue from GitHub?

How do you attach a new pull request to an existing issue on github?

How can I reference a commit in an issue comment on GitHub?