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New posts in iso8601

Java 8 DateTimeFormatter rejects correct ISO 8601 date/time with offset

java date time iso8601

How to specify time zone (UTC) when converting to Unix time? (Python)

ISO 8601 date-time format combining 'Z' and offset of '+0000'

NSDateFormatter seems to have the wrong month

Parsing ISO 8601 string to DateTime in .NET? [duplicate]

.net datetime iso8601

ZonedDateTime ISO-8601 parsing: why is colon in timezone ID required? [duplicate]

MySQL - Convert ISO-8601 Duration to Interval for DATE_ADD

mysql iso8601

NSDateFormatter and Strings with Timezone Format "+HH:mm"

Is there a comprehensive library/module for ISO 8601 in ruby?

Convert ISO8601 date to epoch format (unix timestamp)

NodaTime Interval JSON Serialization

json iso8601 nodatime

Ruby on Rails - YouTube API - How to format duration ISO 8601 (PT45S)

ISO 8601 format date for PostgreSQL

Should ISO 8601 datetime for xCBL include dashes or not?

datetime iso8601

How can I write an ISO 8601 date with a timezone but no time component

Why does the number week of the year start with 1 or 0 depending on the year?

ruby iso8601

Timestamp in ISO 8601 - the last 6 digits yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.?

How can I convert an ISO8601 timestamp into unix time in Perl?