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New posts in timezone-offset

Spark parse string to timestamp with timezone

How to get timezone in 3 letters using momentjs?

Elegant way to adjust date timezones in Python

Apply timezone offset to datetime in Python

get client's GMT offset in javascript

aggregateWindow aligned to specified timezone

What is the logic behind the string parsing on the Date constructor in javascript for the strings "0" to "110"? [duplicate]

Show the : character in the timezone offset using datetime.strftime [duplicate]

Why is the timezone off in delayed_job?

Why does the timezone pattern "OOOO" not show the full GMT+00:00 offset format?

strptime in c with timezone offsets

javascript - check if daylight time is in effect for different timezone

How to get timezone from timezone offset in java?

How to find timezone offset in UTC using Timezone name and Region in javascript

Convert datetime object in a particular timezone to epoch seconds in that timezone

Android time zone and DST issue

android dst timezone-offset

How to get timezone offset between UTC and iPhone - Swift 4.2?

Converting between time zones with Noda Time