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New posts in ios8.3

Swift 2.0, Xcode 7 issue

swift2 xcode7 ios9 ios8.3

iOS 8.3 UiAlertView close apple keyboard

UISlider Disappeared in iOS 8.3

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Share Extension is not showing data -- ios

Receiving notifications from custom 'Done' button on numeric keyboard not working in iOS 8.3

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iOS 8.3 Share Extension - Launching URL Schemes

GoogleMaps is not a dylib : Error at compile time with pod file

ios iphone google-maps ios8.3

iOS Keyboard notifications triggered unnecessarily upon showing the alertviews on iOS8.3

iAd interstitial not working on device

swift iad interstitial ios8.3

Swift, can I override a method with a more specific derived parameter type

How to update user location on demand using silent push notifications? iOS

ValidationException : Supplied AttributeValue is empty, must contain exactly one of the supported datatypes

How can I detect if device is an iPad in iOS 8.3?

ios xcode ipad ios8.3

XCODE 6.2 inelligible device IOS 8.3 [duplicate]

ios iphone xcode xcode6 ios8.3

IOS Scrollable View inside another ScrollView

iOS 8.3 modalPresentationStyle OverCurrentContext does not inherit status bar appearance and visibility

Background task stopping when device locked?

ios nstimer appdelegate ios8.3

Embedded YouTube videos in HTML5 standalone app iOS 8.3 opening YouTube app

Xcode 6.3 not running iOS 8.4 - update to 6.4 fails