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Swift 2.0, Xcode 7 issue

I was using RAMAnimatedTabBarController Module from here: https://github.com/Ramotion/animated-tab-bar

I developed my entire application in swift 1.2 using Xcode 6 and the app was running perfectly . I wanted to try out "side loading" of my app using Xcode 7 which has swift 2.0. I had too many errors and I managed to solve most of the errors but three.

1) This line of code which is from that RAMAnimatedTabBarController module is throwing an error saying the function can't be evoked, when this perfectly compiled in Xcode 6:

 var  constranints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraintsWithVisualFormat(formatString,options:NSLayoutFormatOptions.DirectionRightToLeft,metrics: nil,views: containersDict as [NSObject : AnyObject])

the compiler error for this was:

Cannot invoke 'constraintsWithVisualFormat' with an argument list of type '(String, options: NSLayoutFormatOptions, metrics: nil, views: [NSObject : AnyObject])'

2) Another unusual error was thrown:

linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

3) And another:

(null): error: cannot parse the debug map for "/Users/Rakshith/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Blubot-heabwwmhqxxvctaabxkwcpgzsadx/Build/Intermediates/SwiftMigration/Blubot/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/BlubotTests.xctest/BlubotTests": No such file or directory

What is actually wrong with my project? It is still set to iOS 8.3.

like image 670
Rakshith G B Avatar asked Feb 10 '23 16:02

Rakshith G B

1 Answers

Disable BitCode

Build Settings -> BitCode
like image 71
paulvs Avatar answered Feb 22 '23 23:02
