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New posts in ios7

CoreData: Ubiquity: Using local storage: 1 never becomes 0

iphone ios core-data ios7 icloud

Why are my local notifications not having sound on by default in iOS 7?

CoreText alternatives to deprecated CGContext text functions

Resize ModalViewController and position it at center in iOS 7

searchBarTextDidBeginEditing delegate method called two times

Row Separator in UIPickerView

iphone ios7 uipickerview

iOS: How to identify the leak from Xcode instruments?

ios xcode memory-leaks ios7

iOS7 - Lock Orientation of only SOME View Controllers that are within a Tab Bar?

How to programmatically change map color from day to night in ios7

UIImagePickerController in Storyboard: UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary displays black screen

Have particle emitter trail follow finger path in spriteKit

Animating Constraint Changes, position animates but height jumps without animation

ios ios7 nslayoutconstraint

JS API login not working properly on IOS devices 7 safari browser

ios7 linkedin-jsapi

Pausing certain actions in Sprite Kit

ios xcode ios7 sprite-kit

UITableview Cell exception - 'Must translate autoresizing mask into constraints to have _setHostsLayoutEngine:YES

Unity iOS App Size weighs 1.2GB (real size) (Android 100MB)

ios ios7 unity3d

ErrorCode:AccessDenied, Message:AWS authentication requires a valid Date or x-amz-date header

How to apply full-screen SKEffectNode for post-processing in SpriteKit

UIPopoverController backgroundColor causing flash when shown

iOS 7 simulator vs device differences?