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New posts in ios7

iOS 7 Simulator vs Real iPhone unexplained differences

SKShapeNode has unbounded memory growth

UITextView drawing improperly on iOS 7

ios objective-c ios7

Why statusbar turns to black when UIView is embedded in NavigationalViewController in iOS 7?

UIImageView with iOS 7 not showing up

iOS 7: insertItemsAtIndexPaths: scrolls the UICollectionView

iOS 7: Dragging in UITableView / delaysContentTouches seems not working

dispatch_after and [UIView animation: duration] happen immediately (but shouldn't)

How To get iOS 6 UITableView Grouped Style in IOS 7


ViewDidLoad executes slowly while pushing viewcontroller

CFURLDestroyResource is now deprecated in iOS7. What to use instead?

ios7 deprecated

IOS7 - UIWebView: HTML5 audio pauses when app enters background

Alert View Position isn't Center

ios ios7 uialertview

CLGeocoder reverse geocoding fails with Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1000 -

MPMoviePlayerController play/pause toggle issue

XCode 6.0.1 ios 7 Autolayout

ios7 ios8 xcode6

iPhone Safari bookmark creates new session

ios iphone ios7 mobile-safari

Xcode 7 GM missing iOS 7 simulators

ios xcode ios7 ios-simulator

Showing a blocked UIAlertView in ViewDidAppear Method on iOS 7 with Xamarin.iOS does not work

xamarin.ios xamarin ios7

iOS7 AVMutableVideoCompositionLayerInstruction causes video frame to freeze

ios objective-c ios6 ios7