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New posts in ios-frameworks

Getting issue while using .framework which have .a static library inside it

#if canImport() does not find frameworks with CocoaPods

Xcode reference a framework instead of link binary with libraries

Easy way to detect if I am using framework not available to older iOS

xcode ios-frameworks ios

Linking only embedded framework with other dynamic framework fails when build & run on device

Using React Native within an iOS share extension

Symlinks corruption in iOS custom framework

UICollectionView, nib from a framework target registered as a cell fails at runtime

How to make an universal iOS library for both Objective-C and Swift?

How to create a framework for a swift project with iOS 7+ support?

swift ios-frameworks

How can I make my framework's code automatically run when the app launches?

How to develop an iOS framework which includes image resources?

How can I debug carthage (owned) dependencies in my iOS application?

Could not find module 'MyCustomFramework' for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'; found: arm64, armv7-apple-ios, arm64-apple-ios, arm, armv7

No such module while importing my custom framework to the project

iOS9: Using dynamic framework with Simulator and Device

Xcode 4: Framework localization not working

Creating a universal framework using Xcode 8?

ios xcode ios-frameworks

pod spec lint fails when pod lib lint succeeds. 'vendored_frameworks' pattern did not match any file

iOS Framework on device bitcode not included