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How to mix objective-c and swift to make a cocoapods framework

Xcode New Build System CocoaPods "Copy Pods Resources" has Assets.car in Output Files and conflict with "Copy Bundle Resources"

ios xcode cocoapods podspec

I am getting " WARN | url: (homepage) The URL is not reachable." on iOS pod lib lint command?

Bridging Header for Swift Pod with dependent Objective-C Pod?

Cocoapods | podspec add GoogleAnalytics as a dependency

Private cocoapod never shows update

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How to make a dynamic framework(Swift) based on two static libraries using Cocoapods

Podspec s.vendored_frameworks not working

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How to use local-only project via CocoaPods

How to manually add a .xcframework to a Flutter iOS Plugin?

Development CocoaPod for both iOS and OSX

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pod repo lint error: [!] An unexpected version directory `<a dir>` was encountered for the `<Parent Dir>` Pod in the `<Parent Dir>` repository

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Define custom module map file in cocoapods Podspec

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#if canImport() does not find frameworks with CocoaPods

Cocoapods specify podspec xcconfig value for Debug only

ios cocoapods podspec

pod spec lint: Attempt to read non existent folder

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fail to find header file when using Cocoapods version 1.0 - works fine with Cocoapods version 0.39

cocoapods podspec

Pod install fails for private pod being served as binary from private repo