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New posts in ios-app-group

App Groups and iCloud in iOS

Cannot write to containerURLForSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier?

How to obtain NSManagedObjectContext instance from Extension iOS 8

Sharing database between multiple swift apps

NSUserDefault can't save & load in Extension in iOS8

Should macOS App Group name start with `group.` or Development Team ID?

Removing App doesn't remove App Group data

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Why doesn't NSUserDefaults work between my app & share extension?

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What's the difference between Keychain and App group in iOS

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iPhone and Apple Watch not sharing App Group

NSUserDefaults(suiteName:) on iOS 9 and WatchOS 2 - not working?

iOS: Support App Group folders in local file provider

How do I download and replace an AppGroup container using XCode 6.4

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settings bundle not working on watchOS 2

iOS 8 - Create SQLite database for App Group

iOS - Today extension widget cleared over time