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New posts in invalid-characters

SCRIPT1014: Invalid character - Quote symbol

how to run nodemon in windows from package.json

C#: get rid of multiple invalid characters in string [duplicate]

Git commit with invalid character on Windows

Check for invalid input

How to stop XMLReader throwing Invalid XML Character Exception

Parsing invalid ampersands with Android's XmlPullParsers

xsl trying to ouput '<' as opposed to '&lt;'

SQL invalid conversion return null instead of throwing error

tsql invalid-characters

Central way to filter invalid unicode chars in lxml?

Check for valid utf8 string in Python

Base64 String throwing invalid character error

Is there a Python library function which attempts to guess the character-encoding of some bytes? [duplicate]

removing invalid XML characters from a string in java

Valid characters in a Java class name

C# Sanitize File Name

Why aren't ◎ܫ◎ and ☺ valid JavaScript variable names?