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Valid characters in a Java class name

What characters are valid in a Java class name? What other rules govern Java class names (for instance, Java class names cannot begin with a number)?

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Zach Avatar asked Sep 15 '08 18:09


People also ask

What is a valid class name Java?

Class names should be nouns, in mixed case with the first letter of each internal word capitalized. Try to keep your class names simple and descriptive. Use whole words-avoid acronyms and abbreviations (unless the abbreviation is much more widely used than the long form, such as URL or HTML).

Which is a valid class name?

A valid class name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores. As a regular expression, it would be expressed thus: ^[a-zA-Z_\x80-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x80-\xff]*$ . A class may contain its own constants, variables (called "properties"), and functions (called "methods").

Can we use _ in class name in Java?

Technically it's possible to use the underscore in a class name, but there's no practical reason to do so. If the underscore were used in a class name, it would act as a separator between words. In Java, we achieve optical separation between words with the camel case.

Can class name have digits?

A class name is an identifier—a series of characters consisting of letters, digits, underscores ( _ ) and dollar signs ( $ ) that does not begin with a digit and does not contain spaces.

2 Answers

You can have almost any character, including most Unicode characters! The exact definition is in the Java Language Specification under section 3.8: Identifiers.

An identifier is an unlimited-length sequence of Java letters and Java digits, the first of which must be a Java letter. ...

Letters and digits may be drawn from the entire Unicode character set, ... This allows programmers to use identifiers in their programs that are written in their native languages.

An identifier cannot have the same spelling (Unicode character sequence) as a keyword (§3.9), boolean literal (§3.10.3), or the null literal (§3.10.7), or a compile-time error occurs.

However, see this question for whether or not you should do that.

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Jason Cohen Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Jason Cohen

Every programming language has its own set of rules and conventions for the kinds of names that you're allowed to use, and the Java programming language is no different. The rules and conventions for naming your variables can be summarized as follows:

  • Variable names are case-sensitive. A variable's name can be any legal identifier — an unlimited-length sequence of Unicode letters and digits, beginning with a letter, the dollar sign "$", or the underscore character "_". The convention, however, is to always begin your variable names with a letter, not "$" or "_". Additionally, the dollar sign character, by convention, is never used at all. You may find some situations where auto-generated names will contain the dollar sign, but your variable names should always avoid using it. A similar convention exists for the underscore character; while it's technically legal to begin your variable's name with "_", this practice is discouraged. White space is not permitted.

  • Subsequent characters may be letters, digits, dollar signs, or underscore characters. Conventions (and common sense) apply to this rule as well. When choosing a name for your variables, use full words instead of cryptic abbreviations. Doing so will make your code easier to read and understand. In many cases it will also make your code self-documenting; fields named cadence, speed, and gear, for example, are much more intuitive than abbreviated versions, such as s, c, and g. Also keep in mind that the name you choose must not be a keyword or reserved word.

  • If the name you choose consists of only one word, spell that word in all lowercase letters. If it consists of more than one word, capitalize the first letter of each subsequent word. The names gearRatio and currentGear are prime examples of this convention. If your variable stores a constant value, such as static final int NUM_GEARS = 6, the convention changes slightly, capitalizing every letter and separating subsequent words with the underscore character. By convention, the underscore character is never used elsewhere.

From the official Java Tutorial.

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Ivan Bosnic Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 19:10

Ivan Bosnic