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New posts in internet-explorer-9

multiple-class CSS inheritance problem in IE

IE9 hangs local Flask instance

Highcharts tooltip on IE9

RequireJS not working in IE9

Border not appearing in IE9 & IE10

Why does Internet Explorer 9 render Arial stronger than other browsers?

IE 8 & 9 ignoring div width - how to get this example to work?

SCRIPT5009: "$" is undefined in IE9

F12 developer tools in IE9 not working for some sites [closed]


Static content not gzipped to IE9 from IIS7

What is required to use Angular 2 within IE9?

IE9 memory leak

:active css selector not working for IE8 and IE9

Jquery .on() not working

Do CSS Gradients work in IE9?

Disable IE9 Javascript debugger when using Visual Studio 2010

Why does this cross-domain request work in other browsers but not IE9?

IE9 link hover css color change vertical shift

IE9 standard view no load CSS

css internet-explorer-9

-ms-transform for IE9 in JavaScript