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New posts in internet-explorer-9

If this is checked jquery is not working in IE 9?

Will IE9 now be supporting WebSocket?

IE 9 not supporting $locationProvider.html5Mode

IE9 NOT getting 'children' of XML node

div does not get centered using margin: auto in IE9

Why is this jQueryUI dialog not working in IE9?

Execute certain javascript if browser lt ie9

querySelectorAll alternative for IE

How can I override Twitter Bootstrap dropdown hover in IE

Why does internet explorer 9 show weird characters on UTF8 and whitespace content?

Force the Browser Mode and Document Mode of IE 9 to IE 9

IE9 HTML5 placeholder - how are people achieving this?

SCRIPT5: Access Denied on IE9 due to jQuery.min CDN file in Wordpress

SCRIPT5: Access is denied in IE9 for iframe on the same domain

Debugging JavaScript with source maps in IE7, IE8, IE9 and IE10?

Opening in new tab: how is 'Bing' doing this? (IE9)

Gradient is not rounded in IE9

Granular DOM/CSS editing using IE9 F12 developer tools: possible?