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New posts in internet-explorer-10

Div overflow scrolling when -ms-viewport is specified?

No possibility to select text inside <input> when parent is draggable

XmlHttpRequest status 0 instead of 401 in IE 10

Is there a way how to detect IE10's "Caps Lock is on" feature?

Can I disable IE10 history swipe gesture?

Make a whole div clickable with working :active css rule in IE10

IE10 injects token into .NET MVC links

How to remove default file input style on IE10?

Detecting mousewheel on the x-axis (left and right) with Javascript

CSS3 - 3D Flip Animation - IE10 transform-origin: preserve-3d workaround

IE10 sending image button click coordinates with decimals (floating point values) causing a ParseInt32 FormatException

IE 9 and IE 10 cannot enter text into input text boxes from time to time

Shouldn't "X-UA-Compatible IE=edge" header override "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View" in IE10?

Why does display: -ms-flex; -ms-justify-content: center; not work in IE10? [closed]

IE10/IE11 Abort Post Ajax Request After Clearing Cache with error "Network Error 0x2ef3"

CSS "unset" / "initial" in Internet Explorer

Is Internet Explorer 9 an "evergreen" browser? What about IE 10?

CORS, Amazon S3, and Rails - Fails on IE 10 and Safari

Force IE10 to run in IE10 Compatibility View?

IE10 SCRIPT5009: '__doPostBack' is undefined