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New posts in internet-explorer-10

'XML5619: Incorrect document syntax. ' error in IE10 Only

Internet Explorer 10 developer tools closes on some navigations

Canvas.toDataURL() working in all browsers except IE10

input placeholder line-height issue

How to add CSS Hack specifically for IE10?

how to fix Visual Studio 2012 after installing IE10 on Windows 7?

ie10 and flexboxes? (nightmare)

mouseleave on a container with a select - Internet Explorer 10

Testing IE10 on win7 [closed]

css/Less calc() method is crashing my IE10

Avoid grey background on IE 10 anchors / links

IE requires double click with custom button

Detect IE10 compatibility mode

Hide or change the value label for a range input in IE10

Javascript error in every page on IE 10

Disable pinch to zoom in IE10

Why transitions for some CSS properties are slow and none fluent

Flex items exceed width of parent in IE

IE10 Issue with Scrollbar on Div