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New posts in integer-overflow

Is INT_MAX + (-1) an undefined behavior?

Strange implementation of Guava LongMath.checkedAdd [duplicate]

Python prevent overflow errors while handling large floating point numbers and integers

How to avoid overflow in fast modular exponentiation

c c99 integer-overflow

Bypassing an unsigned addition overflow detected by CBMC

F# Performance Impact of Checked Calcs?

Modular inverses and unsigned integers

How to calculate (n!)%1000000009

short int Integer wrap around / short int inversion in c not understood, difference between assignment and prints

Does strtol("-2147483648", 0, 0) overflow if LONG_MAX is 2147483647?

Clojure, I want Long multiplication to overflow

clojure integer-overflow

Why does integer overflow cause errors with C++ iostreams?

c++ integer-overflow

How to nicely "cast" qint64 to int for QProgressBar

c++ qt qt4 integer-overflow

Is it undefined behavior if the intermediate result of an expression overflows?

c++ integer-overflow

GCC Inline Assembly Multiplication

Feedback on analysis of code example (secure coding)

c loops types integer-overflow

C++ while loop optimization not working properly

What does -fwrapv do?

Why is (18446744073709551615 == -1) true?