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New posts in inline-functions

extern "C" inline functions

c++ c inline-functions

Depth of inlining in GCC compiler

Possible to call inline functions in gdb and/or emit them using GCC?

What's is the idea behind C99 inline?

c c99 extern inline-functions

Inlining C++ code

c++ inline-functions

Crash when running application due to existence of unexecuted code in source file - c++

Why are C++ methods sometimes defined inside classes?

Tool to automatically inline JavaScript function calls?

Is there an actual example where inline is detrimental to the performance of a C program?

Multiple definition of inline functions when linking static libs

C: Pointer to inline function

Does LLVM convert Objective-C methods to inline functions?

Is GCC's option -O2 breaking this small program or do I have undefined behavior [duplicate]

Inlining of vararg functions

How to declare an inline function in C99 multi-file project?

c linker c99 inline-functions

What's the difference between static inline, extern inline and a normal inline function?

What Does It Mean For a C++ Function To Be Inline?

c++ inline-functions

Why should I ever use inline code?

What is wrong with using inline functions?

c++ inline-functions

"inline" keyword vs "inlining" concept