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MAP@k computation

Are there any API's that'll let me search by image?

How to use a BooleanQuery builder in Lucene 5.3.x?

Is it possible to query Elastic Search with a feature vector?

Is there a search engine that will give a direct answer? [closed]

How to select stop words using tf-idf? (non english corpus)

Python's NLTK vs. related Java Libraries? [closed]

Python or Java for text processing (text mining, information retrieval, natural language processing) [closed]

Computing symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence between two documents

What is the TREC format?

Is there a "standard" dataset for music in symbolic form? [closed]

How combine word embedded vectors to one vector?

How much space and processing will be optimized in Lucene index by storing a field as Byte instead of String for billions of documents

Fuzzy String Searching with Whoosh in Python

Good documentation on structure tcp_info [closed]

how to show that NDCG score is significant

Crawling The Internet

Java Open Source Text Mining Frameworks [closed]

Clustering of news articles

How to extract Highlighted Parts from PDF files

pdf information-retrieval