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New posts in indentation

Emacs & Ruby: Indenting newline after comma [duplicate]

ruby emacs indentation

Disable Visual Studio 2015 comment alignment?

Can Eclipse indent new line with 1 tab after JavaScript array initializer?

emacs 23 python.el auto-indent style -- can this be configured?

Vim editor indent problem when the first character of the line is a sharp # character

vim indentation

Automatic new line and indentation in vim when inside braces?

javascript vim indentation

Disable auto indent globally in Emacs

Pretty-print for shell script

Vim cursor position after expanding html tag

vim indentation

Smart auto-indentation available in geany?

Show Indent Guide Lines In Xcode

xcode indentation lines

(python) docstring is causing indentation error

python indentation

HTML indenter written in Python

python html indentation

Can't change Emacs's default indentation between HTML tags

emacs indentation

#indent "off" in F#

f# indentation

Visual Studio code sidebar Vertical guideline (customize sidebar)

How to 'see' / highlight tabs and spaces in PyCharm for checking indentation?

Indent multiple lines of text

c# string indentation

How should I indent do nothing initialization list constructors? [closed]

c++ indentation