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New posts in implicit-conversion

Is it possible to make `=` prefer assignment-from-conversion over (deleted) copy-assignment?

Why can C++ ternary operator return type not be a base class type? [duplicate]

Why is implicit search impacted by an unrelated type parameter?

Vapourise Predef.any2stringadd in interpreter

scala implicit-conversion

What implicit conversions happen with istream?

C# generic implicit operator return type

c# implicit-conversion

Scala compiler infers Nothing for generic arguments

Implicit conversion of a variadic template class in a variadic function

Unexpected implicit cast when using variadic templates?

Narrowing conversion of list initialization is an error or just a warning? [duplicate]

c++ implicit-conversion

Implicit conversion for generic class restricted only to some types

Why do we have to explicitly import implicit conversions having implicit parameters from companion objects? Strange.

Prevent 0-ary functions from being called implicitly in Scala

Comparison between signed and unsigned. Is static_cast the only solution?

Selectively disable subsumption in Scala? (correctly type List.contains)

Implicit conversion issue in a ternary condition [duplicate]

Incorrect assignment of values in char enum

In overload resolution, does selection of a function that uses the ambiguous conversion sequence necessarily result in the call being ill-formed?