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Is there a platform where std::time_t is not represented as unix time?

c++ time implementation

How can I implement memoize method on an async function in JavaScript?

Understanding Comet by Example

What magic does `std::sort` uses internally that makes it that much faster? [duplicate]

How to avoid repeating class name and template call in implementation?

How does Notepad++ save the state of the workspace?

How to check if a template argument is default constructible

Computer Algebra System (CAS) for Scala

spring interface as @ModelAttribute param

ios Implement UISwipeGestureRecogniser in any direction at any angle

Java coding best-practices for reusing part of a query to count

Prim's MST algorithm in O(|V|^2)

Java: Looking for mutable/re-referenceable weak reference implementation

Implementing Barabasi-Albert Method for Creating Scale-Free Networks

Why is there an offset in the Java String implementation?

java string implementation

Javascript CPS (continuation passing style) implementation

Using machine learning to make a computer learn calculus

How might I index PDF files using Lucene.Net?

Implementation of AKS primality test in Scheme or C++

In .NET, what is the internal implementation of a delegate?