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New posts in image-recognition

learning steps for image recognition algorithm

Recognizing similar shapes at random scale and translation

How to get object rect/coordinates from VNClassificationObservation

DrawMatching between two images - image recognition

Working with decision trees

Pre-processing before digit recognition for NN & CNN trained with MNIST dataset

Making a trained model (machine learning) from 3D models

Any visualizations of neural network decision process when recognizing images?

Image classification using SVM Python

License plate recognition using OpenCV

how to detect shapes in an image?

Is there a way to get the color of a recognized object inside a picture?

How can I use computer vision to find a shape in an image?

How to search for an image on screen in C#?

c# .net image-recognition

Retrieve the pixel values of an image with Haskell

Retrain Tensorflow final layer but still use previous Imagenet classes

Classify faces from VNFaceObservation

Using Nearest Neighbour Algorithm for image pattern recognition

ocr image-recognition knn

Differences between two images with slightly different point of view and lighting conditions with OpenCV