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New posts in image-processing

Detecting LED object status from Image

How to Detect which object is present in image.?

How to auto crop an image?

c# image-processing crop

Do modern c++ compilers autovectorize code for 24bit image processing?

RGB image to binary image

Adapting scanline fill to detect discrete objects

Image processing and moments

matlab image-processing

CodeIgniter Resizing And Cropping With Axis

improving algorithm to be faster - scanning image from file

Is stitching module of OpenCV able to stitch images taken from a parallel motion camera?

Why can't we remove very high blur from an image?

Calculating image gradient direction using OpenCV's Sobel operation

Duplicate contours in opencv

Cropping rotated image with same aspect ratio

Find dominant color in a camera frame in OpenCV Android

How to increase pixel intensity difference more in image processing?

Range analysis of floating point values?

Concave hull with missing edges

Create a WritableRaster based on int array

Measuring whitespace in a jpeg

r image image-processing jpeg