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New posts in image-processing

Calculate the area of the masks (in pixels) in grey scale images with python

Approximating jagged edges as lines

Separate lines and circles in an image using OpenCV in python

Detect number of rows and columns in table image with OpenCV

Maximum of multiple images or arrays in Julia

How to create a transparent radial gradient with python?

Python's PIL crop problem: color of cropped image screwed

Why is iplRotate() not giving me correct results?

Calculate the center of a contour/Area

Rescale intensities of a PIL Image

Getting all pixel coordinates of a vector inside a image

matlab image-processing

Is it possible to recolor an image using JavaScript? [duplicate]

Finding 2d impulse peaks in MATLAB

How do I create a JPG preview of a PDF (using the Linux command line)? [closed]

Using MATLAB to calculate offset between successive images

Integer-valued images in the [0, 2^32] range or higher. Support in MATLAB or/and OpenCV?

How to crop a region selected with mouse click, using Python?

Gaussian blur and FFT

how to extract the objects inside the region of interest in matlab

Converting Resolutions to Aspect Ratios with PHP